Contoso University Tutorial Mvc 4 Pdf
MVC 5 Entity Framework 6. Entity Framework Code First ASP. NET,. Contoso Ltd. Contoso and Contoso University is a fictional company used by Microsoft as an example company and domain. Contoso University Entity Framework 6 Visual Studio 2013 ASP. NET MVC 5. PDF. Contoso University Entity Framework 6 Visual Studio 2. ASP. NET MVC 5. TPH, Table Per Hierarchy. Entity Framework Code First ASP. NET,. Visual Studio. SQL. SQL. Entity Framework Code First API SQL. Db. Set. Sql. Query. Db. Set,. As. No. Tracking. Database. Sql. Query. UPDATE Database. Execute. Sql. Command. Contoso University Tutorial Mvc 4 Pdf' title='Contoso University Tutorial Mvc 4 Pdf' />
Get certified for Microsoft technology and products. Explore our online developer computer courses and exams, and take your career to a new level. The Contoso University sample web application demonstrates how to create ASP. NET MVC 5 applications using the Entity Framework 6 and Visual Studio 2013. This tutorial. Note A Razor Pages version of this tutorial is available here. The Razor Pages version is easier to follow and covers more EF features. The Contoso University sample. Download content for Azure, ASP. NET, Office, SQL Server, SharePoint Server and other Microsoft technologies in ebook formats. Reference, guide, and stepbystep. Entity Framework,. Entity Framework SQL, SQL. SQL,. SQL SQL SQL Injection Attacks. SQL Parameterized Queries. Db. Setlt TEntity TEntity. Department Details. Department. Controller. Details db. Departments. Find. Async db. Departments. Sql. Query. Tasklt Action. Result Detailsint Http. Status. Code. ResultHttp. Status. Code. Bad. Request Commenting out original code to show how to use a raw SQL query. Department department await db. Departments. Find. Asyncid Create and execute raw SQL query. SELECT FROM Department WHERE Department. ID p. 0 Department department await db. Departments. Sql. Queryquery, id. Single. Or. Default. Async ifdepartment nullreturn. Http. Not. Found return. Viewdepartment. Departments, Details. About. Home. Controller. LINQ. var data from student in db. Studentsgroup student by student. Enrollment. Dateinto date. Group. selectnew. Enrollment. Date. GroupEnrollment. Date date. Group. Key,Student. Count date. Group. Count. LINQ SQL. Database. Sql. Query. Home. Controller. About LINQ SQL. Action. Result. About Commenting out LINQ to show how to do the same thing in SQL. IQueryablelt Enrollment. Trivial Pursuit Unlimited Pc Ita Movies here. Date. Group from student in db. Students group student by student. Enrollment. Date into date. Group select new Enrollment. Date. Group Enrollment. Date date. Group. Key, Student. Count date. Group. Count SQL version of the above LINQ code. SELECT Enrollment. Date, COUNT AS Student. Count FROM Person WHERE Discriminator Student GROUP BY Enrollment. Date IEnumerablelt Enrollment. Date. Group data db. Database. Sql. Querylt Enrollment. Date. Group query return. Viewdata. To. List. About. Contoso University. SQL UPDATE. Course. Contoller. Http. Get Http. Post Update. Course. Credits. Action. Result. Update. Course. Creditsreturn. View Http. Postpublic. Action. Result. Update. Course. Creditsint View. Bag. Rows. Affected db. Database. Execute. Sql. CommandUPDATE Course SET Credits Credits 0, multiplier return. View. Http. Get View. Bag. Rows. Affected,. Update, Http. Post multiplier. SQL, View. Bag. Rows. Affected. Update. Course. Controller. Update. Course. Credits, Add View. ViewsCourseUpdate. Course. Credits. cshtml . Contoso. University. Models. Course. View. Bag. Title Update. Course. Credits. Update Course Creditslt h. View. Bag. Rows. Affected null. Html. Begin. Form. Enter a number to multiply every courses credits by Html. Text. Boxmultiplierlt p lt p lt inputtypesubmitvalueUpdate lt p. View. Bag. Rows. Affected null. Number of rows updated View. Bag. Rows. Affectedlt p lt div Html. Action. LinkBack to List, Indexlt div. Courses, URL Update. Course. Credits Update. Course. Credits. CourseUpdate. Course. Credits. Update. Back to List. SQL MSDN Raw SQL Queries. As. No. Tracking. As. No. Tracking. As. No. Tracking. Edit Modified As. No. Tracking. SQL. SQL. SQL. Eager Loading,. ControllersCourse. Controller Index. Action. Result. Indexvar courses db. Courses var sql courses. To. String return. Viewcourses. To. List. F9. F5 Course Index. SQL Server, Select. SELECTExtent. 1. Course. ID AS Course. ID,Extent. Title AS Title,Extent. Credits AS Credits,Extent. Department. ID AS Department. IDFROM Course AS Extent. Text Visualizer. Courses Index. Department. Course. Controller. Index. Action. Result. IndexintSelected. Departmentvar departments db. Departments. Order. Byq q. Name. To. List View. Bag. Selected. Departmentnew. Select. Listdepartments,Department. ID,Name,Selected. Department int department. ID Selected. Department. Get. Value. Or. Default IQueryablelt Course courses db. Courses. Wherec Selected. Department. Has. Value c. Department. ID department. ID. Order. Byd d. Course. ID. Included d. Department var sql courses. To. String return. Viewcourses. To. List. Selected. Department. Select. List. Select. List,. Course, Department. Rpg Maker Xp Serial Keygen on this page. Selected. Department null true. ViewsCourseIndex. Filter. Html. Begin. Form. Select Department Html. Drop. Down. ListSelected. Department,Alllt inputtypesubmitvalueFilter lt p. Course Index. Filter. Course sql. SELECTProject. Course. ID AS Course. Download Game Tv Giant on this page. ID,Project. Title AS Title,Project. Credits AS Credits,Project. Department. ID AS Department. ID,Project. 1. Department. ID1 AS Department. ID1,Project. 1. Name AS Name,Project. Budget AS Budget,Project. Start. Date AS Start. Date,Project. 1. Instructor. ID AS Instructor. ID,Project. 1. Row. Version AS Row. VersionFROM SELECT Extent.