How Is Paper Made
How Is Paper Made' title='How Is Paper Made' />Learn how I made this animation on my blog http Please feel free to use this video for any. Every now and then you hear an adult saying Dont waste paper or Recycle paper to save trees. Dont you think what has paper got to do with treesPaper is simple material. It is essentially a mat held together by the fibers roughness, and can be made from almost any fibrous material like wood or recycled paper. The process for making paper was invented in China in the second century A. D., and all paper was made one sheet at a time until 1798. You gotta have fiber Over the centuries, paper has been made from a wide variety of materials wood pulp, rice, water plants, cotton, even old clothes
How is Paper Made From Trees Image Credit Flickr User Horia Varlan, via CCEvery now and then you hear an adult saying Dont waste paper or Recycle paper to save trees. Dont you think what has paper got to do with trees Thats because paper is made from trees. Sounds strange Here is how. All the wood in the trees is mostly made up of fiber. Paper is made by processing the wood and its fiber. It all starts by cutting down trees. The logs are then sent to a paper factory. In the factory, at first the bark is peeled off from the trunk. The pulp papermaking process is said to have been developed in China during the early 2nd century AD, possibly as early as the year 105 A. D., by the Han court eunuch Cai Lun, although the earliest archaeological fragments of paper derive from the 2nd century BC in China. Formed from wood pulp or plant fiber, paper is chiefly used for written communication. The earliest paper was papyrus, made from reeds by the ancient Egyptians. Samsung I9250 Usb Driver. Paper was made by the Chinese in the second century, probably by a Chinese court official named Cai Lun. The art, science, and technology of papermaking addresses the methods, equipment, and materials used to make paper and cardboard, these being used widely for printing, writing, and packaging, among many other purposes and useful products. Hot Topics Quick help with burning questions How is Paper Made Paper is all around us. But did you ever stop to think about how often you use it Discovery Science Channels How Its Made Paper episode. How Is Paper Made' title='How Is Paper Made' />Then the wood is chopped into very small pieces. The wood pieces are then boiled with water and few chemicals until they turn into a slushy, mushy pulp. This pulp is then poured onto a fine wire mesh where the pulp stays on the top of the wire mesh and a lot of water from it drains out. The thick pulp remaining on the wire is then squeezed between felt covered press rollers to absorb extra water. Grand Theft Auto 5 Mac Download. Image Credit Flickr User hans s, via CCAfter that yet again, pulp mat passes through hot rollers many a times until it is completely dry.