Install Microsoft Fonts In Linux Mint

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InstallMicrosoftFontsInLinuxMintBest Linux Distro for the Desktop in 2. Elevator Autocad Detail. Fast Linux, Secure Linux, Linux secure boot, Linux disk partitioning. Instead of a preface. Question Im a lazy bunch, I want to install Linux right now no matter what and I dont want to read your explanations, so what should I choose AnswerTLDR throw a coin which consists of four sides and choose from Fedora, Mint, X Ubuntu LTS or Mageia. Download a 6. 4bit version of a distro only if you have 4. GB of RAM of more. Still I beg you to read all the text below itll take just a few moments and youll be more prepared. If you want to thank the author or if you want this document to be regularly updated, please, consider the ad at the top of the page. Thank you If you want one short answer to this question which Linux distribution is the best in 2. Linux, there isnt one best Linux distribution. There are widespread and popular distros, there are less popular and less widespread ones. If you are too lazy to read the rest of the article below just go download Fedora choose. KDE or XFCE desktops instead of Gnome during installation if you want something similar to Windows XP7, Mint or Kubuntu a Ubuntu derivative with a classic Windows like interface. Download Pokemon Emerald Version 2'>Download Pokemon Emerald Version 2. These are the top Linuxes for your consideration. Firstly, all Linux distros are fraught with the same problems which are described in detail on this page. Install Microsoft Fonts In Linux Mint' title='Install Microsoft Fonts In Linux Mint' />Mint 18. Still the best Linux desktop. Want a better operating system than Windows 10 Want a great Linux desktop Then Linux Mint 18. Those problems are quite serious and even though theres a good chance you wont face any of them, theres a non zero chance that you will struggle to make your Linux work, or something will break for you and you will spend countless hours trying to figure out why that thing isnt working any more. I dont want to overdramatize, and if you lucky enough by having the right hardware and you dont use specific software, then Linux may work well for you. Secondly, if you have problems with Windows you cannot solve reinstall it from scratch or find a skillful technician. Linux is so different from Windows that fixing Windows is a lot easier than migrating to Linux. Lastly, different Linux distros are almost different operating systems, so it all boils down to the following things youll have to consider If you are ready to invest your time Id better say a lot of time you can choose any popular distro on this list Fedora, Mint, Ubuntu in a form of Xubuntu or Kubuntu, Mageia, or open. SUSE they are listed according to my preferences, from mosttop recommended to least recommended. These distros have very vibrant communities and forums where you can get help should any problems arise. If your computer or laptop is at least three years old, you can also try Cent. OS 7 or Debian. If you want to know the innards of Linux you can try Gentoo or Slackware but these two distros are least user friendly in fact even Windows IT specialists can find them difficult to use. If you dont have time but you have someone among your friends or acquaintances, who knows some Linux distro well, you should probably choose the distro that person will suggest to you. You should probably avoid all other distros because unpopular distros have little to no support mind that Xubuntu, Lubuntu and Kubuntu are Ubuntu derivatives so they are safe to use. Your favourite Windows applications are not available under Linux forget about Microsoft Office, Quicken, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Creative Suite, Corel Draw, Autodesk 3ds Max, Autocad, Apple i. Tunes, Windows Media Player, Win. RAR, Win. Zip, u. Torrent, etc. Some of them can be run under Wine Windows Emulator but it doesnt work reliably and Wine can run malwareviruses as well. Linux has the native versions of these applications Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Skype it looks very different, VLC media player and Libre. Office. Here are some general rules when it comes to using your Linux distro Almost every Linux distro has its Live CD version or a USB version try it there are several such applications before attempting to install. It will allow you to instantly see if your hardware is properly supported and if it boots at all secure UEFI, which you probably have if you had Windows 88. PClaptop, generally prevents Linux from working on your PC. If you dont want to reinstall your OS every nine months or so, install any LTS long term support distro like Ubuntu LTS or Cent. OS. You should definitely avoid Fedora or Arch as they are quite unstable. Mind that LTS distors sometimes have troubles supporting new hardware, e. Wi Fi adapters or IntelAMD GPUs. NVIDIA GPUs work best with proprietary drivers, so no problem here at all. If you want a familiar desktop environment akin to Windows XP or Windows 7, install XFCE or KDE every distro has its own way of doing that google for that. I prefer XFCE because its lightweight and fast. Microsoft claims Bing, its search engine for people who have just unboxed a new computer and are trying to find out where to download Chrome, is bigger than you think. You will probably want to install Windows compatible fonts which you can grab here. If you laptop contains switchable NVIDIA aka Optimus or AMD graphics you should probably avoid using Linux at all. Both are a pain under Linux too many quirks and pitfalls. Always backup your data before installing any Linux as you can accidentally wipe clean your disks. Fast, lightweight, lean, multimedia, laptop oriented, most customizable, most stable, full featured, privacy, best looking etc. Linux versions nonsense. There is a myth that some distros are faster in fact there are no faster or slower Linux distributions. They all contain the same ingredients at most they differ by how fast they boot up and shut down Open. Suse and Megeia are probably the slowest to boot up distros nowadays. If you want fast boot up choose Fedora, Mint or Ubuntu. There are no stable distros at all its the nature of the open source software used in Linux. If you want fewer updates and breakages use Ubuntu LTS, Cent. OS or Debian, however they might not support some of your hardware. If you hate frequent updates do not install Fedora or Arch. There are no Linuxes which are specifically optimized for the laptop at least Im not aware of their existence to conserve power and extend battery life theres a number of tricks which apply to every distro. All Linux distros are extremely customizable. You can make Fedora look like Mint or vice versa so it makes no sense to choose them by their looks. Besides, cant you download backgrounds and themes from the net Its easy All Linux distros are equally secure Ive never heard of the cases when end users PC have been breached. There are thousand of Linux Distro available on the internet. This article helps you to choose the best Linux distro for Laptop. However if you need to be on the bleeding edge in regard to updates, use Fedora. Some people are looking for the best KDE Linux or the best XFCE Linux speaking frankly you shouldnt be looking for such distros as these both environments can be installed in any Linux distro. A real fact if you want to spend several weeks or even months of your life creating your own unique desktop Linux experience, choose Gentoo or LFS these are indeed the most customizable Linux distros and equally average user hostile too dont even try them if you havent used some other Linux for at least half a year. Hdd Unlock Wizard Download here. As an exception, there are two major Linux distributions most suitable for the server role Cent. OS a free community supported version of RHEL and Debian by default Debian has a lot more software in its repositories. However these distros often have extremely datedoutdated software. Again do NOT attempt to run or install Gentoo, LFS or Slackware unless you are a seasoned IT specialist. Youll be wasting your time and nerves.