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Open Tools API FAQ GExperts. If you have additions or corrections, please contact me. But, please do not send me questions about how to use the Open Tools API instead, use the resources listed below. What is the Open Tools APIFree Download Pascal Analyzer Lite 9. Effortlessly inspects your Pascal source code to generate reports with metrics, references, control an. Featured Libgen free downloads and reviews at WinSite. Csi License Generator Sap2000 V17. Oracle Data Access Components ODAC is a library of components that provides direct access to Oracle database servers from Embarcadero RAD Studio XE6 XE5 XE4 XE3 XE2. You can also buy the ebook PDF of the Delphi Handbooks Collection. See below for details. Delphi XE Handbook. The guide to whats new in Delphi XE. Borland Delphi 2005 Download' title='Borland Delphi 2005 Download' />The Open Tools API OTA is a set of interfaces that allow developers to add features to the BDS, Delphi, and CBuilder IDEs. These additions are called wizards or experts. Wizards can use the OTA interfaces to modify the IDE, obtain information about the IDEs state, and receive notification of important events. To create wizards, you should first get an IDE version that includes the VCL source Professional, Enterprise, Architect, etc. Tools. API. pas that will make your programming easier. Where is the Open Tools API documented In the latest help update for Delphi 6, in CBuilder 6, and in Delphi 7 the OTA is fairly well documented. Open the iota. hlp file and look at the index there for details. For writing. NET addins in CBuilder and Delphi for. NET, also see my article on the EDN and the two IDE integration packages provided by Code. GearBorland. Sadly, most of the official OTA documentation was removed and is not present anymore in Delphi 8 2. Where can I get help with my Open Tools API questionsSourceTools. APITools. API. pas A good place to learn about the Open Tools API is is the Tools. API. pas unit and the related files in that directory such as Palette. API. pas, Structure. View. API. pas, and Code. Template. API. pas. If you dont have any of those files, try reinstalling the IDE including the source code option, or maybe you need to upgrade to a higher end IDE edition that includes the source files Professional, Enterprise, Architect, etc. Borland Delphi 2005 Download' title='Borland Delphi 2005 Download' />Webopedias list of Data File Formats and File Extensions makes it easy to look through thousands of extensions and file formats to find what you need. All of the OTA interfaces are defined in those files, and many of them have comments about their purpose and usage. Newsgroup Search Engines There are several free web services that allow you to search for answers to previously asked questions in the Open Tools API newsgroup. Borland Delphi 2005 Download Free' title='Borland Delphi 2005 Download Free' />I recommend you search at least one of these before posting, as it generally gives multiple answers to the most common questions. Try one of the following Search Site. Tape Deck Heart Music'>Tape Deck Heart Music. Newsgroups. Date Range. Borland Delphi 2005 Download' title='Borland Delphi 2005 Download' />Borland Delphi 2005 DownloadHelpful stuff and links for Borlands RAD tool, CBuilder. Borland Software Corporation is a software company that facilitates software deployment projects. Borland was first headquartered in Scotts Valley, California, then. Early Borland years 19952003 Borland Delphi. Delphi later known as Delphi 1 was released in 1995 for the 16bit Windows 3. Search Features. Speed. Google Groups. All. May 1. 98. 1 Now. Good. Fast. Code News Fast. Code. GearBorland. Oct. 1. 99. 7 Now. Moderate. Moderate. The Open Tools API Newsgroup Embarcadero runs a discussion forum that has an Open Tools API group in it. Before posting, please check the newsgroup search engines above for answers to your questions. You can access the forum on the web at https forums. Delphi, Open Tools API or using an NNTP newsgroup reader via these instructions. Example Code Other Web Sites What is the old OTA and what is the new OTA Which one should I use The old Open Tools API OTA was the preferred method for addins to interface with the IDE in Delphi 3 and older and was class based. The new OTA is present in DelphiBCB 4 or later and is interface based. This FAQ only covers the new OTA, which consists mainly of the Tools. API. pas unit. Starting with Delphi 8 or greater, you will find a few more files that define the OTA such as Palette. API. pas, Structure. View. API. pas, Code. Template. API. pas, File. History. API. pas, Designer. Types. pas and Prop. Insp. API. pas. The older OTA is depreciated and should no longer be used except to maintain compatibility with older IDE versions. Support for the old OTA will be completely dropped in a future version of Delphi, and existing bugs in it are not being fixed. The old Open Tools API consists of the following units Expt. Intf, File. Intf, IStreams, Tool. Intf, Vcs. Intf, Virt. Intf. Where can I get a simple wizardexpert to customize Here is the Pascal source for the simplest Hello World wizard using the Open Tools API. Just compile and install this package DPK into the IDE, and try out the new menu item on the Help menu. This example was written and tested in Delphi XE but should work in several other recent IDE versions. Older IDE versions such as Delphi 567 and earlier will require changes to the package list in the DPK. Can I create wizards in CBuilderYes. The Open Tools API was originally designed with Delphi in mind, so wizards might be easier to create in Delphi, but CBuilder works fine to create native code IDE addins. Can I install a Delphi created wizard into CBuilder Yes, GExperts is one example of an expert written in Delphi that can be compiled and installed into CBuilder. Should I ever call Release on an interface obtained from the IDE It is not necessary to call Release on an IDE interface obtained via the Open Tools API. The interfaces are reference counted for you, and the associated memory will be freed as soon as all interface references go out of scope. Note that you can force the IDE to release an interface by setting all references to nil. How can I add published properties to a TForm descendent Add published properties to a regular TForm. Add the form to the Object Repository Project menuAdd the form to an existing design time package such as Borland User Components or to a new design time package. Add Dsgn. IntfDesign. Intf to the implementation uses clause of a unit in the package, and add a Register procedure as follows procedure Register. Register. Custom. ModuleTMy. Form, TCustom. Module. end Finally, inherit from your form in the repository inside a project and the new published properties will show up. Remember to not try to link to the new designtime package when building your deployable application. There is also a much more complex method involving writing a module creation expert, a repository expert, and using Create. Module. Ex and different streams, but is much more error prone and for most people, has no advantages. Note that the IDE will not allow you to add both published properties and components to a custom module at the same time. The workaround is to create a form with your custom properties in a package, and then have a descendent form in the repository which adds the components you want there by default. How do I obtain the current project IOTAProject interface Starting with Delphi 7, you can use the function Get. Active. Project. For previous releases, you can iterate through all of the modules to find the project group and then get that groups active project function Get. Current. Project IOTAProject. Mod. Services IOTAModule. Services. Module IOTAModule. Project IOTAProject. Project. Group IOTAProject. Group. Result nil. Mod. Services Borland. IDEServices as IOTAModule. Services. for i 0 to Mod. Services. Module. Count 1 do. Module Mod. Services. Modulesi. SupportsModule, IOTAProject. Group, Project. Group then. Result Project. Group. Active. Project. SupportsModule, IOTAProject, Project then. In the case of unbound packages, return the 1st. Result nil then. Result Project. How do I obtain the current project group IOTAProject. Group interface Starting with Delphi 7, you can use the Get. Active. Project. Group function. For earlier releases, you can iterate through all of the modules to find the one that implements IOTAProject. Group function Get. Current. Project. Group IOTAProject. Group. Mod. Services IOTAModule. Services. Project. Group IOTAProject. Group. Module IOTAModule. Result nil. Mod. Services Borland. IDEServices as IOTAModule. Services. for i 0 to Mod. Services. Module. Count 1 do. Module Mod. FFTW Installation on Windows. Go back to the FFTW download page. Windows Installation Notes. This document contains various information regarding installation of. FFTW on DOSWindows. It was sent in by users, and has not been. Please contact us if you have any. You should, of course, first read the Installation on non Unix Systems of the FFTW 3 manual or the corresponding section of the FFTW 2 manual. We have created precompiled DLL files for FFTW 3. We hope that these are sufficient for most users, so that. FFTW. These DLLs were created by us, cross compiled from GNULinux using. Min. GW the 6. 4 bit version is. You should be able to. In order to link to them. Visual C, you will need to create. VC. Run. lib def libfftw. On Visual Studio 2. For Borland C, you instead need to use Borlands implib. M. Lenarczyk. implib a fftw. See DLLs and wisdom, below, for important. DLL. Contact us if you have suggestions. Windows ourselves. We created these. BUILD MINGW3. 2. BUILD MINGW6. Min. GW instructions below. Thanks to John Pavel for his. Compiling FFTW 3 for Windows. If for some reason you need to compile FFTW yourself on Windows, rather than using the above DLLs, you have several options. Min. GW this is a free Unix like. Windows based on the GNU. C compiler gcc. We recommend this route because it produces. Windows executableslibraries, but lets you use our. Unix build scripts and Makefiles, automatically picks good. See below for instructions. Visual C In the past, several users have contributed Visual. C project files for FFTW which you can download below. However. many older versions of VC generate incorrect code for FFTW when SSESSE2. VC 2. 00. 3 definitely fails. VC 2. 00. 5 may work, and VC 2. Intel C you can also use the Intel compilers under VC see. This may produce marginally faster code than the GNU C. Be cautious. with the compiler flagsturning on every optimization under the. FFTW slower. If you do compile FFTW yourself, we encourage you to compare the. In particular, you can use the bench. Building FFTW 3 under Min. GWThe simplest way to compile FFTW on Windows is probably to install. Min. GW Unix environment so. GNU C compiler. There are a few options to our configure script that we especially recommend on Windows. July 2. 00. 9. the alloca function seems to be broken under the 6. Min. GW compilers, so when compiling for Win. FFTW not to use that. SSE with gcc. with windows f. Fortran wrappers for some common Windows Fortran compilers GNU, Intel, and Digital. DLLs instead of static libraries since Min. GWs static library format. Microsofts. enable threads with combined threads this will include multi threading support. The second option puts the multi threading functions into the main FFTW DLL rather than into a separate DLL the default under Unix this is required because Min. GW cant create DLLs that depend on one another. DLLs that will work on any Intel processor. FFTW. assuming a 4 byte alignment. On win. 32, some versions of gcc assume. Either or both of the following to exploit SSE2AVX the DLL is. SSE2AVX is. enable float enable sse. So, for example, to build a double precision library you might use. The resulting DLL files are installed in usrlocalbin. Important If you want to call the resulting DLL from. Min. GW, you need to add a line. FFTWDLL to fftw. This adds some. Building FFTW 3. x under Visual CIntel compilers. Important If you want to compile FFTW as a DLL, you should. FFTWDLL to fftw. This will add the requisite. Project files to compile FFTW 3. Visual Studio 2. 01. Long To. fftw 3. Project files to compile FFTW 3. Visual Studio 2. 01. Long To. fftw 3. Project files to compile FFTW 3. Visual Studio 2. 00. Nathaniel Meyer nate at nutty dot ca. Project files to compile FFTW 3. Intel compilers under. Visual Studio. NET 2. Jin Tian jintian at nlsde. Franz Franchetti has. FFTW binaries and project. Visual Studio and the Intel C compiler at his web page. FFTW implements a mechanism called wisdom for saving plans to. FFTW 3. 3. includes fftwexportwisdomtofilename. We believe. that these should work fine from Windows DLLs. However, FFTW also provides fftwexportwisdomtofile. C FILE pointer to a file you have opened. DLLs. These were the only file IO routines in. FFTW prior to 3. 3. Its been suggested to us that this. C runtime libraries in Windows. We expect that most users will need only. However, if you need to use. Windows. In particular, FFTW provides generic importexport functions. That way, you can supply a routine to access the file yourself and the. DLL never has to see it. You can provide a drop in. FFTWs fftwexportwisdomtofile and. FILE f. define fftwexportwisdomtofilef fftwexportwisdommyfftwwritechar, void f. FILE f. define fftwimportwisdomfromfilef fftwimportwisdommyfftwreadchar, void f. Older stuff. Below are older instructions and packages that were sent to us, but which are now probably out of date. FFTW 3. 0. 1 and Visual CIntel compilers. Alessio Massaro contributed. Windows binaries. Intel C Compiler version 7. This. package uses SSESSE2 instructions when appropriate. This archive is called fftw 3. Nov 1. 3, 2. 00. 3. If you downloaded the older archive. Some library symbols. Alessio has also sent us Windows. Min. GW, which support for threads and. AMD K7 3d. Now in addition to SSESSE2. An updated version of. Boran Car, which incorporates a missing. This library can be called from Visual C and. Windows compilers. Klaus Maisinger contributed. Borland C Builder 6 to to allow you to use the above. Intel compiled binaries you need to use Klaus fftw. Borland C and. Visual C. See also his description of. The above binaries were, unfortunately, compiled without the. Fortran wrapper routines. Koos Huijssen sent us a library file for. Compaq Visual Fortran that you can use, in addition to. Alessios DLL, to call FFTW from that Fortran compiler. Stephane Ruel helped us to get FFTW 3 working under Visual C, and. FFTW with that compiler. Note that this package. FFTW files, which are no longer. FFTW version 3. 0. Also, it refers to the files. Other compiler warnings can. Mark Roden send us modified. Visual C 6. 0 with version 8. Intel. compiler and FFTW 3. SSE enabled. Visual C Problems. Visual C is buggy. Get a real compiler and do not complain. Stephane Ruel was unable to get the SIMD SSE code to produce. Visual C 6. 0 we suspect a compiler bug the. Intel icc. We have an unconfirmed. If you have a more. VC, please let us know whether it works. Stephane recently reported that he was able to compile the SIMD. FFTW 3. 0. 1 using the Intel compiler version 7. O3 G7 Qx. W with Visual C. Modify. config. h to define either. HAVESSE or HAVESSE2, depending upon the. Visual C 4. 0 and 5. FFTW. versions correctly, but these were fixed in later releases of those. FFTW versions. VC 6. IV DCTs and DSTs. Andrew Sterian has put together. Microsoft Visual C 5. FFTW 2. 1. 3 smoothly from within the IDE. His workspace also. FFTW library as a DLL. Please read through the. README. TXT file for important information about using FFTW as a DLL. You should note that the FFTW package can be compiled as is on. Windows you simply need to compile all of the. Andrews. files may provide extra convenience, however, especially when building. Andrews package also includes some code to allow the test program. DOS shell otherwise, the.